This morning while getting ready, my youngest, Mason, and I were having a conversation about the fact that we had a new tube of toothpaste finally ( for a week we had been attempting to get every last drop out of the last tube!). Towards the end we were having to use two of us ... one to squeeze the other to hold the brush!
The funny thing is, while I thought nothing of the new tube - Mason grabbed the toothpaste and looked at me wide eyed and smiling "There's a lot in this one Mommy! Wow, we got a whole new one?" and with the biggest, most innocent and sweet smile he looked at me and I realized that in life... Mason still looks at the little things and gets excited. What a great way to live!
Of course I scooped him into my arms, snuggled and kissed his sweet face, thinking, "What a great way to start the day - happy as can be - all because of a new tube of toothpaste.
I wish you all full tubes of toothpaste and all the other little things that make you smile!