Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Charity 2009

This year marks year #2 for our annual Santa Charity at the studio! What a great time we had ... all the beautiful holiday outfits we amazing to photograph. Santa had his photo taken with so many children... some who were very excited and some not so willing...

Santa was a trooper though and we were able to raise over $600 to donate to Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. We were so thrilled because this charity is so important to us in so many ways. Thank you to everyone who attended and were a part of something so memorable to so many families!

Catching up...

I am really behind on posting ...nothing new of course! My clients keep our studio so busy and for that I am grateful even if it means I am behind on blogging! Thank you so much for each and everyone of you! I will be blogging more as we slow down from the busy holiday season...keep checking back as we will be announcing some fun new events and opportunities for 2010!
One of my new favorite images from recent days...

Halloween bash 2009

This year's Halloween Bash was wonderful! It was so much fun to see all the kids dressed many adorable and creative costumes! This is one of our favorite events of all year. For the second time we were able to donate to the Food bank of Lincoln and it feels so good to know how generous and thoughtful our clients are when it comes to such a great cause!

The kids had fun getting thier photo taken in costume and then decorating their own Halloween cookies. Our kids even got in on the fun ...Kelsey read Halloween stories to the kids and Mason impressed some of the little kids with a giant dangling spider from 2nd floor (the big hit was when he sent it down wearing underwear :) I've never seen kids laugh so hard...leave it to my child)

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to come and help us donate to such a great cause...we are so gratful for our amazing clients ...without you none of this would be possible!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Newsletter

Fall is here and we are so busy with outdoor and holiday portraits already! Call us soon to schedule your session soon! Below is the link to our newsletter with all the upcoming events and happenings!

Be sure to check out our Charity Event dates and times!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Seniors... 75% off this week only!!!

Class of 2010... we have a limited time offer for you to take advantage of!!!

75% off of our regular session fee of $200.00 - this is huge - it will be the lowest price of the season and we are booking quickly! This sale will be over after May 16th so call this week to set up your session anytime before June 30th! Call us at 890-5661 or e-mail at:

See you soon!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mattresses, Dresses, Desserts...OH MY!

We have had some really wonderful opportunities to work with many great businesses this year photographing their products in order to create a variety of marketing pieces for them. It has been very interesting - commercial shoots always are...depending on the angle, product or model. It is so nice however to expand our creativity and think out side the "portrait" box.

My favorite so far is our newest product, DESSERTS! Ok, I have to say it has taken an extreme amount of will power to not take a bite or two out of each one. I think it's been extra difficult for Cesar, Kelsey and Mason. Imagine having 20 different desserts sitting around your house and you were not allowed to eat them until they were done being photographed. Let me tell you... I am really tired of answering the question "Are you done with this one yet, can I eat it? Just one bite ...PUH-LEAAASE?" (and it's mostly from Cesar!) So here are a few of my favorite images so far - I know it's tough to not drool on it while photographing - there is always photoshop though...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Estella Salon Crew...

Today I photographed the Crew at Estella Salon. It was so much fun...for such beautiful people they sure were reluctant to have their photos taken. I think they were won over in the end!
The salon just opened this year by our great Friend and client Ashley. The Salon is beautiful and thriving - we are so proud and happy for you all.
Be sure to look them up when you are in need of beautifying!

Grady has arrived...

Our amazing friend Krista has been blessed with her second beautiful baby boy, Grady! He is so gorgeous, his lips are to die for and he looks just like his Mama! Big Brother Ben is so proud and of course Mom and Dad are too. Congratulations again and again!!!

(You all know Krista without even realizing it - ALL the images that you have hanging in your home have at one point passed Krista's eyes and hands - she is the Manager at our wonderful Lab! (and one of my very best friends...thank you for everything you do Krista! )

Santa Clause is coming to town!

Ok, well he already did. And what fun it was to see him again! Santa is always a big hit and every year he visits our studio to see all our clients and hear what the kids want for Christmas and he loves having his picture taken!
This year was so fun because we were able to make it a benefit to our U.S. Troops! In exchange for a $10 donation or equal value calling card we donated a 4x6 portrait with Santa to each family. We were able to raise $650 in calling cards!!! Our goal was to connect families for the holidays and we absolutely did!
Thank you soooo much for supporting such a wonderful cause - I've said it before and I'll always say it - Our studio has the absolute best clients and friends! I want you to know that we consider each and every one of you our extended family and I hope you feel that way when you come here also!
Thank you again for your amazing genorosity!

Holy's been like...FOREVER!

ok - so I do this every so often and it's really not a good habit. I WILL be doing some updating here in the next few days so keep your eyes peeled!!!
(i guess that's what happens when you get busy busy - not a bad thing altogether!)