Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Great to see you...

Thanks to all that attended our Open House on Sunday. We had such a great time visiting with all of you and showing you around our home. Also thanks to all of you who brought such sweet gifts and well wishes, we are truly grateful for your thoughtfulness!
With everyone so busy we did not get a chance to take too many pictures (go figure!) but we managed one of our great Clown for the day and his family! Thanks Jon and Donna for such sweet hearts you have and for donating your time, it is much appreciated, and the kids had a blast with your creative balloon animals, swords, flowers etc... I also still have my ladybug bracelet you so thoughtfully crafted to match my outfit. :)

Also we were able to catch a moment to get our "crew" together!
From left to right - top row:
Alicia - "Studio Intern"
Sandra - "Portrait Consultant"
Christa - "Office Assistant"
Stephanie - "Client consultant & Assistant"
Bottom row:
Tracee - "Marketing & Design Artist"
Paula - "The night owl" - not by choice ;)
Shauna - "Retouch Artist"
Not pictured:
Janice - Our amazing Framing specialist.
Jeff - Our cool computer tech that keeps things rolling smoothly
Cesar - "The maintenance tech" :)
Krista - OK, really she works for our amazing Lab but we claim she is there solely for Captured Memories purposes - we like to dream big! ;)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

OPEN HOUSE May 18th !!!

It's Official! Our Open House is scheduled for May 18th 10am-4pm! Come enjoy lots of give-aways and a ton of new products, also a tour of the new studio space and of our home! Can't wait to see you there!

Sam Puc'

When I heard that Sam Puc' was visiting Omaha for her nationwide tour of her Speaking engagement "Bellies and Babies" I made sure to snatch up 7 tickets, one for each one of us at at the studio! For those of you who don't know, I heard Sam speak (with Dave Junion) for the first time 7 years ago when I was pregnant with Mason. (our youngest) It was right then that I made the decision to pursue my passion and begin Captured Memories. I credit so much inspiration to that single moment and every time I've gotten the opportunity to hear Sam speak I have been blessed over and over.
It was wonderful to visit with her and hear her speak, she was sweet enough to let us have a quick picture with her too - thanks Sam! From left to right: Alicia, Paula, Sam, Tracee, Shauna, Sandra. (Stephanie & Christa not pictured)

Sam also founded the volunteer organization Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. Our studio is proudly involved with NILMDTS and coordinates the Lincoln area and we have a great group of photographers that serve with such passion and heart. It is an amazing foundation that helps families who are dealing with the misfortune of an infant death by providing professional photographs at no charge. The power of this simple act is truly amazing.

First Position Dance Shoot

Every year we photograph a couple of Dance studios for a great, great person and business woman, Jen. This year Jen's beautiful little guy blessed us with his presence at the shoot and was able to pick up a few dance poses from Mom. Check out the great way she juggled both very important things at once!

Vacation...ok, a great excuse for beach portraits!

In March we finally took a break from un-packing and organizing the house and studio to take a deep breath of fresh Tampa beach ocean air!!! My parents live there and it makes the best vacation spot - we of course took advantage of the beautiful scenery and did take some great images of the kids and our family - surprise, surprise! I just love this one of the kids, I have an amazing way we will be displaying it in the house, if you come to Our Open House on May 18th you can take a sneak peek!
We also went over to Disney and had fun over there too- it is so fun and so overwhelming at the same time - you could be at the same park for several days and still not see it all! We did get to meet the incredibles, notice how Cesar and I picked our respective spot in the image :) On the way home Cesar got the brilliant idea of turning on the GPS on the plane, at one point it was up over 500 MPH - pretty freaky to think about when you are calmly watching "Enchanted" and eating the "In-Flight" snacks minding your own business - Guess I never really gave much thought to how fast they must go!
We had a great time, it always goes way too fast and I can't wait to visit again soon. We really need to put together a studio beach/vacation portrait package - Any takers?

Senior Model Shoot -Class of 2009!

This year we had a lot of fun with our class of 2009 Seniors who came into the studio and let us have fun trying out new things in our new studio! Lot of great shots and such amazing seniors. We esspecially had fun with Jewel who let us try out Kelsey's tutu's as a "let's try it and see what happens" she was such a trooper and we ended up with some really striking images! Thanks to all our seniors and also to Sandra, Steph and Christa who anticipated every single step to make things run smooth. We are so excited for this years senior season!

Mason's Creation

Alright, so I officially have to let the world know that we do have plenty of food for our kids to survive at our house. I know, let me explain: So I come down to the kitchen one morning to find that Mason had decided to make his own lunch. Great I thought, we must be doing something right to have the kids being so independent as to make their own lunch and not even ask for help!
So I figured I better do the "Mom " thing and check it out, you know, just to be sure that he has included all the must haves. Main dish, fruit, treat and drink, you know what I mean- because I have seen them try to pull past two snacks and no fruit or pop for a drink or my favorite, Halloween candy for a side dish!
Well Mr. Mason apparently decided to take a couple of his favorites and put them together, his creation... a mustard and saltine cracker sandwich! Try as I might he insisted that it remain in his lunch box and needless to say I had one hungry five year old on my hands after school!

Home show 2008

We had a great time again at the annual Home Builders show in Feb. We met so many new people and see many of our clients also - Oh my, how your children have grown in just a few months!
Our kids always love the show too - I'm not ever sure why they enjoy it so much but I discovered that their favorite part about it is the concession stand. Go figure!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Iowa Conference

In February we traveled to Iowa for the Annual Professional Photographers state conference. We were able to catch up with some friends and see some great speakers. It was Sandra's first conference and it was great to see her get excited about everything. We also had the opportunity to visit our great friend Darci-Lu and her new studio. We wish you so many blessings D-Lu!!!

Long blog...

ok, so I know I promised that I would blog more often, how the time gets by me so quickly I will never know. Sooo, I'm going to do a mass blogging for the next few to get everyone caught up with all that has been happening with the studio and our crazy lives! Hang on for the ride!