Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Amazing Chase

Have you ever watched the Amazing Race? Cesar and I watch it all the time and think...we could do that! Well. maybe ..... but we were able to see how we would fare in a smaller version called the Amazing chase. The event was held by St. Monica's of Lincoln ( a substance abuse treatment center for women) Our great friend Wendy coordinates the event and even with bribes of food and anything else I could think of she still wouldn't give up any secrets or hints before the race.

For those of you who don't know, the race is essentially a scavenger hunt with obstacles and challenges along the way - like: eat a foot-long hot dog as fast as you can to get the next clue( see below) Josh and Ashley were part of our team and Josh was able to get us on our way in about 10 seconds - I've never seen anything like it! It was SOOOOO much fun, I can't even explain to you what a hilarious time we had. You really need to check it out - I will post information about next years race for those of you who are interested in competing against us - we are in it to win!!!

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