Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mattresses, Dresses, Desserts...OH MY!

We have had some really wonderful opportunities to work with many great businesses this year photographing their products in order to create a variety of marketing pieces for them. It has been very interesting - commercial shoots always are...depending on the angle, product or model. It is so nice however to expand our creativity and think out side the "portrait" box.

My favorite so far is our newest product, DESSERTS! Ok, I have to say it has taken an extreme amount of will power to not take a bite or two out of each one. I think it's been extra difficult for Cesar, Kelsey and Mason. Imagine having 20 different desserts sitting around your house and you were not allowed to eat them until they were done being photographed. Let me tell you... I am really tired of answering the question "Are you done with this one yet, can I eat it? Just one bite ...PUH-LEAAASE?" (and it's mostly from Cesar!) So here are a few of my favorite images so far - I know it's tough to not drool on it while photographing - there is always photoshop though...


Tracee said...

Lookin' good!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Really great photography. Just happened to find you as I just began a blog and was trying to figure out how it worked.I enjoy photographs and yours are very creative. You obviously have a way with kids and you get a lot of express out of all your people.
Good work. Thanks for sharing. Penny Newman